Author: Miara

John Wayne, Dog Calendars, and Etc.

As I’ve gotten older I have learned that people are very interesting. I’m always fascinated by stories from people’s lives, especially older people. One of the Frontrunner hosts, Steve, I sit with regularly on my way home from school. Me, another student, Steve, and the train conductor always sit together and eat lunch/talk before the train leaves. One time Steve was telling us how gas used to be like 13 cents (unbelievable, right?), and what he did as a child. His claim to fame is knowing John Wayne personally when he was a boy.

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Eagle Day at the Farmington Bay Bird Refuge

Today Colton and I went to find bald eagles at the Farmington Bay Bird Refuge just off of Legacy Highway. The refuge hosts a Bald Eagle Day each year sometime in February. The refuge workers put something in the water to kill off the invasive carp species in the area, which draw the many eagles here to feast.

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Snowshoes on TRAX

For President’s Day my family is planning on going snowshoeing. Well, since I am a student, I can rent them from the school for a much cheaper price than most other places. After class on Friday, my dad met me at school and we Shuttled up to the recreational building on the very eastern side of campus. We left carrying five pairs of shoes and polls.

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