Category: Books

Chronicles of Narnia- 7 book reviews

I recently reread all the Chronicles of Narnia books. They’re some of my favorites. I still remember when my dad came home with a box set of the series. I loved when my dad brought home new books for me to read. The box set was the 50th anniversary editions with colored illustrations and they were so fun to go through. Recently Netflix announced they would be making the Chronicles of Narnia into a TV series, and I’ve been waiting impatiently for updates since then. I’ve been meaning to re-read the series for a while and now seemed like the perfect time with that announcement.

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Wuthering Heights

I suppose since my blog is entitled Bookshelves and Garden Paths I could post about the books I read. I’ve loved reading ever since second grade when I jumped from Reader Rabbit books to chapter books and suddenly millions of worlds opened up to me. I truly don’t understand how people don’t like reading, I’m just convinced they haven’t found the right genre or story yet.

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Museums, Castle-Libraries, and Lobsters

The first thing on my list was to go walk the Harvard campus and visit the museums there. I felt like such an imposter walking through the campus. There were college students everywhere, so I really blended right in, sans a backpack. But it’s Harvard, you know, the place where all the studies and smart people and high IQ and stuff come from? I felt like everyone knew I wasn’t actually enrolled there.

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Sidewalk Days

Once again, headed back to Main Street. You’re getting to know Bountiful’s Main Street quite well. Another annual tradition is the Main Street Sidewalk Days. When Sidewalk Days happens, all the stores put out their merchandise on the sidewalk, a radio station comes and hosts the event, and there are great sales all around. I really should go to some place other than The Book Garden on Main Street, because there are many cute stores and food places I should go experience. But The BOOK GARDEN, guys! Doesn’t the name just sound inviting enough?

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